Correction, it's been a long time since I've expressed my thought here on Blogger. The rest of the time I'm opening up on Facebook.
Right now I'm dealing with a major decision; I'm pondering on whether or not I should pursue a relationship with my newly discovered paternal sisters. I been in communications with the older one. I've know her for almost 30 years...even attended high school with her, yet did have any idea she was my sister.
The younger one, well, as of this writing she doesn't know she has an older brother. There's a reason why, but I won't get into any details at this time, if ever. My five closest friends know and that's that.
At first I was excited about it, but then bitterness and resentment overcame me. To this day I ask myself why wasn't I a part of my father's life. Why was I denied the opportunity to have interaction with my sisters growing up? I just have to accept what the songwriter says: “We'll understand it better, by and by”.
I can't blame my sisters for what happened in the past. I have to be an overcomer in all of this. I have to be able to get up, dust myself off and move on. Yeah, that sounds perfect on paper, but how will that pan out in practice? I reckon I have to ask the Lord for strength, courage and guidance on this particular journey, and then go from there.
Thanks for reading.
Mike...I feel you and understand so much of what you have written and feeling. I know God in His infinite wisdom orchestrates our lives and He provides all we need. He protects us from so much more than we would ever know. What I can say is this...I don't believe in accidents and I would implore you to keep seeking God about this and allow Him to order your steps and heal every broken place. When you are ready, you will know it. I will pray for you in this situation. ((((HUGS))))