As time went on, I was expressing a strong interest in her. I also complimented that nice butt of hers. As a result, she accused me of wanting a relationship with her on the basis of her physical attributes and nothing else. Now, while I was impressed with what she was working with, this was far from the truth; I truly liked her for who she was in the inside. That nice booty was just a bonus. Needless to say, a relationship did not come to fruition due to unrelated issues that I won't go into.
My point is this: If you don't want men to just focus on your assets, then don't present them in a way where we can't help but to notice them.
If you have a nice butt and you're wearing tight jeans with your shirt on the inside, we're gonna look.
If you have very ample breasts and you knowingly wear an item with a plunging neckline, we're gonna look.
If you have a fantastic shape and you decide to wear a very form-fitting body dress, guess what? WE'RE GONNA LOOK!
Ladies, this kinda thing works both ways.
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