The other day, a former classmate of mine made a post on her Facebook page in regards to someone owing her money. Of course no names were named, but it was made indirectly towards that person. This is social media we're talking about here. Moving on... It seems that my Classmate made a loan to an unnamed individual, and that said person failed to repay the money. Now Classmate, after expressing deep disappointment over the transaction, says that the borrower can keep the money. She pointed out that as a result of the borrower's actions (or lack thereof), she has to work to make up for the money lost in this deal. While I can truly feel for her about not getting paid back, I truly believe wisdom should have been used in this case. Don't get me wrong; from what I gathered, the borrower's action were foul. Still, I feel that one should look at their own needs as well as the potential borrower's character prior to parting with their funds. Regardless of the amount, if I know I can't afford to lend any money, I won't lend it...period.
Despite her acceptance of a loss, I really hope Classmate gets her money.